Monday, January 25, 2010

You Know You Can Do Better When...

There is alot a single girl has to through as she embarks on the adventures of dating. I am here to remind others, as well as myself, that we can do better. These scenarios are all real not imagined (unfortunately)

You know you can do better (or deserve better) when...

The guy you are dating steals condoms from you to bring back to his place because he is too cheap to buy his own.

You sit down to dinner and look at the wine list, your date, who just met you says, "umm, that's the wine menu" uh, yea, I know... "we'll get you into an AA meeting later I guess"

The guy you have been on two dates with is telling you via email that his Chipotle is disagreeing with his stomach.

He's insulting you to your face and thinks it demonstrates that he is being witty and charming.

He compares you to his mother and continue to share "just how much you and mom have in common."

He puts his Blackberry on the table and tells you just how important he is and how he needs to stay connected. "You don't mind, do you?"

The guy you are hooking up with steals your wallet (true story, happened to my friend!)

He always chooses his family over you.

As you hoist up to his bunk bed in Brooklyn (gasp!) you recognize that he has a solo cup filled with condoms waiting for you on the ladder. (My friend has good stories)

Before you sit down for dinner you are contemplating how many drinks its going to take to get through this.

You meet him for a first date and he has chosen a bottle of the finest white Zinfandel (Beringer's best) for the two of you to enjoy.

He tells you he can't meet up because he has an MRI at 9pm at night and then tells you he's out of town instead, despite the fact that you see him running the next morning in Central Park.

He wears pleated pants, gold toe socks, and tighty whities!

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