Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Run In

Despite the million plus people on the island of Manhattan, it seems to be getting smaller and smaller in my opinion. Evidence of such comes from the unsuspecting run in. It starts easy enough, for me, running into an old bunk mate from summer camp that I haven't seen in over 15 years. However it can get more fun than that, more complicated than that, and even far more humiliating.

My high school crush

Random run in that worked out quite well. After moving back into the city, I headed to brunch with a friend from college. As we are waiting for the table, I run into three boys from high school, including a crush of mine, that never really seemed all that interested while in school. His interests had changed, the run in proved that, well into the next day. A positive and fun run in to say the very least. I had a black and blue hand print on my ass and red wine all over my cream couch proving that this run in had its benefits.

My ex-fiance's best friend

Random run in while out celebrating a major feat at the time. With my girlfriends after far too many margaritas and sangria, we headed for dinner. I was intoxicated and contemplating my need to go home, I head to the ladies room. What a place for a run in. My ex-fiance's best friend's wife. Great! Too small of a bathroom to avoid the awkward run in, so I say hello and head over to their table. After small talk, I head back to my friends in tears. Definitely not the run in I was hoping for on a night made for celebrations.

Ex-Boyfriend while with new boyfriend while heading to the subway for work at 7am

This was particularly uncomfortable. Over the summer, while dating Corky, we headed out of my apartment and towards the subway to go to work. En route, we run into Bad Date Bobby walking out of his apartment. For the longest three blocks, I have Corky smiling and holding my hand while Bad Date Bobby tells some story of a bar fight he had gotten himself into. A run in I could have done without for sure.

The Bad Internet Date that just won't go Away

I work around the corner from this guy, and he is a major tool. However too much tequila and poor decision making gave this guy the luck to see me beyond the first date (lucky him, big moment of shame on my end). I managed to phase him out, which was not as easy as I had hoped. I went out to lunch one afternoon and as I am heading down the block, he is heading towards me. We see each other but he looks away, while strangely still looking at me. It was quite possibly the most awkward sight, really quite something to be seen. I stop and say hello, feeling that there is no way to avoid, and he shares his hope that the tacos he picked up for lunch won't get the best of him. On that note, I kept walking.

Roommate of an Ex

As the weather is getting warmer here in NYC, the outdoor bars are back in business. After work this past Friday, my girls and I head for a beer. As we are heading out to leave the bar, I run into the most recent ex's roommate, whose name escaped me. Pleasantries are exchanged, and then the introduction. "So this is Molly, my roommate's friend." I choked/laughed. "Well, they actually dated for a while, so I guess..." OK, on that note, super great to see you, send the roommie my best.

So the run in can go from great to terrifying, and as the weather gets warmer and people come out of hibernation, I better get used to it. I'd like to think that when these run in's occur, I am witty, charming, and of course look fabulous. However reality is a bitch, and usually I look a mess or I'm drunk or both. Ah well! Better stories to tell...

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