Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Another Monday night, getting home late from work and eating tacos while watching old Sex in the City episodes (so glamorous right?) Carrie asks herself, while brunching with the girls, whether or no they continue to date the same guy over and over again, expecting different results...

With taco in hand, I scream to Carrie - YES!!! A revelation between bites, I realize that I am dating the same man, over and over again, expecting different results. Embarrassed that I am talking to my television, I think about this. Why do I keep spending time with the same loser guys, knowing that things aren't going anywhere, but believing that maybe, it might just be different.

I see my pattern. Nice guy, good looking - but not too good looking, good job, and well educated. Sounds pretty reasonable right? What I end up getting (or settling for) is a guy with limited personality, immaturity, mediocre skills, mommy/family issues, unbalanced work ethic, and a path leading to no where.

Looks like I'm in need of short circuiting this hard wired behavior. After all, the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again, expecting different results...

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