I started the year by starting a blog, this blog, and two others followed throughout the year. It's been therapeutic for sure, fun as hell, and helped me to see how much I like writing, expressing myself within this medium. Not to mention, highly entertaining to see my adventures and misadventures all in one spot!
I got out of a job that no longer made me happy. I wasn't being the best version of myself. As usual, I was scared of making a change and making something happen in my life. I changed that. I got my license (after too many tries) and quit my job. I took the opportunity to find out what I want to do with myself professionally and am taking positive steps to achieve these goals.
I made the goal to challenge myself this year, which was brought to life through my trip to Africa. It was more than I could have ever imagined, and I loved every minute of it. I can not believe what I got myself into, what I did, and how I never thought twice. I planned this trip on my own, joining another culture for two months, rode an ostrich, hiked mountains, went boarding on sand dunes, jumped out of a plane, camped for two weeks while driving through the African bush, and rafted on world class rapid at Victoria Falls. The trip taught me that I was stronger than I give myself credit for and lit something inside of me that has been lost for too long! I said I was living my life in black in white, and realize now the beauty and color I have in my life and I'm going to make sure that I maintain it.
While in Africa, a line from the movie Finding Nemo, kept running through my head - Just keep swimming. I know the strength and passion that I possess, and am going to keep swimming through my life, exploring, taking chances, kicking fear's ass, and keep moving forward. I am grateful for the changes I have made and the incredible year I have just had, I am so looking forward to what the new year has in store!