Thursday, March 18, 2010

Like a Moth to the Flame...

Like a moth to a flame, it seems as though Bad Date Bobby just can't get enough! After finally perfecting the booty call, albeit a year after the fact, it seems as though he just can't get enough. However, I am not sure he recognizes my lack of interest in anything more than our present arrangement. The evidence is as follows...

Upon celebrating my entrance into a new decade of fun, we returned to the scene of the crime. There was cheap beer and beer pong, simply put, poor decision making was afoot. As I am getting up in the morning, running late due to some, ummm, distractions, I gently let him know that I have to go, and he should too. I head out to my birthday brunch and have far too many Bloody Mary's (what else is new). Upon my stumble home, at 5pm, and drunkenly text him to thank him for hanging out on my birthday. This is what I get in return.

U should come here

I have food

I have Crumbs (cupcakes)

Anything? Response?

Are you asleep?

What are you up to? I may have to come up.


Birthday girl?

I'll have you know that you have me feeling bad. Wasn't trying to be rude...just a pain. Hope I didn't upset you today.

I had passed out cold, for a good two hours, only to awake to all these text messages. Confused and disoriented I call him, making clear our situation and alerting him to my drunken state. He takes this further to assume that I am inviting him over with his cupcakes. When I politely decline his invitation, he lets me know that he'll set the Oreo cupcake aside, and make sure his roommate doesn't eat it.

Why, because you really think I am coming over before that cupcake goes bad? I'm wondering which has a longer shelf life, the Oreo cupcake or this little moth...

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