Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Evolution of Asking Someone Out...

Remember when things were a little more simple? As kids, if a boy liked you, he'd ask you to play, or share his pudding pack with you. It was simple, but you knew. Then, when you got to the teenage years, it was all about asking you to dance at the school dance. That was serious stuff. Then there was, "Hey, you want to go to the movies? My Mom will drive." For me, college was not about formalized dating, which brings us to present day... As an adult, heading towards thirty, I have these beliefs of how someone should ask you out. For example, "Hey, let's set something up for later this week" or "we should meet for a drink sometime". They can even go so far as "I would love to take you to dinner."

When talking with this one guy, trying to find a time to meet up, I suggest later this week and get the following in response...

"That works, or you can come by and watch me lift weights and cook stir fry ;)"

Was he asking me out there? Seriously? I would take the shared pudding pack over that offer. What makes this simple question so challenging for some?

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