Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Valentine's Day Freak Out!

No, its not my freak out, Valentine's Day doesn't really bother me, its the freak out that is witnessed amongst single men in New York City. It's actually really interesting to see these single guys sweat. God forbid a single guy initiate any conversation or contact on around Valentine's Day, its like the potential dating world goes dark for a few days, or adds all types of caveats, alerting the single girl that "this has nothing to do with Valentine's Day."

For example, as I am leaving the gym on Sunday morning, also known as Valentine's Day, I get a message from this guy I have been out with a few times. I haven't heard from him in a while, but he surfaces to ask me to lunch, stating he is in the neighborhood, but this has NOTHING to do with Valentine's Day.

Seriously dude! One, I don't care. Two, I haven't heard from you beyond emails in over a month. And three, you could show up at my door with a dozen roses, and Valentine's Day or not, it still wouldn't make a difference, but thanks for the clarification.

That was fun! And the end of another hopeless single man in New York...

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