Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Stutterer

The more dates I go on, the more interesting it gets. I started emailing with this one guy, seemed nice, just moved to the city after getting his MBA. We had a lot in common and demonstrated quite the interest in me, asking me for drinks right off the bat, which is unusual as previously discussed. We set a date and he picks a cute little Italian restaurant by my apartment. As I walk in, I am looking forward to what could be a nice date.

And there is starts... I hate to be mean about this, but it was so completely distracting! At first I thought maybe he's just nervous, but as time passes, I realize that this is a legitimate stutter.

Needless to say there was not enough wine in the place to make this comfortable and the night just drags. At least that was my opinion. Apparently, the stutterer just did not want things to end, even asking if, as the bottle ran dry and the food was taken off the table, we can keep talking, as he is just enjoying my company so much! I indulge him a little further until I can't take it any more. I look at the time, and politely excuse myself for the "early meeting" I have set for the next day.

We walk out of the restaurant and the stutterer tries to verbalize how much fun he had and we have to do this again soon. Absolutely! I say, let's do that...

Needless to say there will be no date two. In the words of my favorite childhood cartoon - "Th-th-th-that's all folks!"

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