Friday, November 19, 2010

The importance of turning your phone off at night...

Last night, after a few margaritas, I was smart enough to turn my phone off before going to bed, never knowing what disruption can come in the wee hours of morning.

This summer, there was this bartender at a local establishment that I became friends with, obviously for the free beers he would provide me, although he was hoping for a bit more. Sad for him, great for me. He has since been fired from this establishment (shame!) but was nice enough to call me. Leaving me the following message at 1:45am.

Hi friend... This is your old bartender. Tom. I don't even know if you remember me, it was so long ago [it was August]. But uh, yea... Just calling to see what you're up to. I'm in Boston in EMT school right now. Um, I just wanted to hear some similar unemployed stories from somebody else. I don't even know if you've got a job or whatever since, but... I was just curious how the return home worked out, because I know you lost your job. Yea, but anyway...

We had a good time though. I'm in Boston. Give me a call back though. I'm in Boston.

I still remember your first name, which is really important because I never learned your last name. So that's like 3/4 of a friendship commitment right there, if you think about it, scientifically. But I know you were more social science oriented and not science arts, so, I don't know.

I just wanted to see how you were doing. I hope it's well. Alright. Bye.

Man I miss that free beer. The slurred late night phone calls, not so much...

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