Monday, November 29, 2010

Make it happen...

A friend of mine told me a while ago that if I guy wanted to be with me, he'd make an effort to do so. She advised that I shouldn't have to do all the work (texting, planning and so on). He should make the moves and the efforts to be with me, after all, I am worth it. Although I think this is a little old fashioned, it makes sense. Unfortunately, I feel like it's hard to find the guys who can follow through and make things happen.

I'm a fairly forgiving person, giving people more chances than they generally deserve. There is this guy that I met out. He was very attentive and seemingly motivated to hang out, texting me through the wee hours of the morning when we first met, and hoping to hang out the next day! Logistics didn't allow for this to happen, and now, three and half weeks later, with two canceled dates (on his end), does he really think he's getting another chance?

If you want to hang out with me, you find a way to make it happen, and that's that...

1 comment:

  1. That's fine at first to make the guy do everything but after a few dates the girl needs to initiate some of the texting and calling. If we're left to do it all we get the impression the girl is not interested.
