Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Night My Sister Pimped Me Out

With my sister in town, it's usually a pretty good time. This particular weekend, was no exception. As we head to Brooklyn (yes, Brooklyn) for a Blues Traveler concert (really, this is the truth), we had some objectives. Fun, obviously, but if my sister could either find me a job or a date, she would get bonus points. Here is how the night unfolded...

After a rousing game of Brooklyn bingo (points for plaid, plastic rimmed glasses, facial hair, strange hats, etc...), we sat down for a little bite to eat with our drinks. My sister starts talking to this bubbly girl, who just happens to be Rachel Ray's cousin. No joke! Here I'm thinking, maybe I'll get a job with Rachel Ray, how great! Rachel Ray is there, at the concert. My sister goes over, dances by her, hugs her husband, and continues to work towards making a move, but is unsuccessful in the end.

Our focus shifts as we realize that we need better seats. I spot this cute guy, who happens to be on the upper level. My sister goes up to him, starts chatting, points at me, and next thing you know, we are in the VIP section, free drinks, food, and a guy who happens to be totally into me.

My sister totally pimped me out, earning her bonus points and multiple free drinks (which she paid for the next day). What I get? A cute boy who is eager to go out with me and a great weekend with my sister!

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