Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Worth It ...

Women tend to be more emotional. It's a scientific fact. What frustrates me about this trait is something I find in myself often. Why don't I believe in myself enough to turn away from a guy who is not good enough for me? Why do I continue to tolerate lazy fish, poor communicators, assholes? I can continued this list, which is embarrassing. But I've been with a lot of guys who just aren't good enough. What does that say about me? How I treat myself. If I don't treat myself well, why would others?

I try and remember that I can't make a guy be something he is not. I've tried that before, it just doesn't work. I am working on channeling that energy to strengthen me, help me to stand up for myself more. I know that when the right person comes along, he's going to want to be with me, with such veracity and passion - I'll know. And he'll know I'm worth it!

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