Sunday, May 23, 2010

Going Green? Not for Me

There is all this talk about going green, reducing your carbon footprint, recycling and saving the world. I believe I am all for that or at least I try, I tend to get lazy. My new project, however, is NOT recycling, recognizing that it's not good for my environment, toxic even!

Now of course I'm not talking about the environment here. I'm talking about the desert that has become my dating life and dating prospects. In a city with all these men, they seem to be no where around me or not interested. Except for the ones from my past. So, like every responsible woman, I decide to recycle. Worst decision! Here's what I got from this experiment...

A lot of feelings of guilt and shame with one of the guys. After all, he left me, so clearly that makes me feel great that I'll just head back over and hang with him. Now that the guilt and shame has subsided, I get phone calls. Lots of them. Let's talk, let's catch a movie, just checking to see how you are? I'm hoping that now a week has passed, the phone calls will stop.

The next guy, this was sad, because I would really like things to work out. Unfortunately, I can't make someone into something he is not. This I have learned the hard way. From this experiment, I got a great dinner, a feeling of strength (after a few tears), and a blister. The bastard picked a place to eat that is beyond out of the way for me, and wouldn't even walk me back cross town - and I was in heels!

Then there is the last recycling project - Bad Date Bobby. Unfortunate really, for he has redeemed himself in so many ways. But what I am realizing is, once again, he can't be what I want him to be, so why keep banging my head against that wall.

As I was out this weekend, on the town with the girls, my friend made a great comment. "I'm so over all the boys in my phone." I second that! So I'm spring cleaning - letting go of all that has been toxic! Which means no more recycling. I'll be working from a clean slate, with nothing but footprints behind me, and that is perfectly fine!

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