Wednesday, May 12, 2010


After dealing with total hell thanks to a computer virus and a defunct modem, I realized that the best date that I have had in a while was with Kel, the computer tech in India via Dell Technical Support. Sad but true, after 4 hours on the phone, I felt a connection, he could feel my pain, and was not only eager but willing to assist me. What more could a girl want, right? Except many a man in NYC instead of India? As I am throwing a tantrum and feeling utterly helpless, surrounded by a box that may the router or may be the modem, I start thinking of the perfect want ad...

A man who knows how to scan my computer and keep it from getting every bad virus know to man, despite the fact that I hardly ever use the damn thing.

A man who knows how to use my drill, and figure out how to secure the molly's, because despite my trying, I can't.

A man with who can handle my freak outs when I am sitting on the floor frustrated with tools all around me and a headache from trying to get an understanding of things that I have no idea about.

A man who is not going to remind me how easy these tasks are.

After thinking about how I should find a man who can do this all for me, I remember the sweet broken English of my man Kel, and my own capabilities. Despite the fact that I lost many hours of my life, which I can never get back, I took care of my business, and didn't need a man to do it for me! Besides Kel that is. So at the end of the day, I am working hard to want myself, and all that I know I am capable of! After all, do I really need to know the difference between a modem or a router?

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